The Story Of Mobile Technology Future

by Kevin Roger
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The Story Of Mobile Technology Future

Who ever thought of having cell phones in the 60’s? Did you ever think of having the substance called “smartphone” that will have the series of features that we have today? Today, we can talk about smartphone this, smartphone that. We even go to the extent of subjecting different brands to personal assessments to determine the best quality. Nevertheless, series of tech tools are being deployed into the industry to improve and make our smartphones smarter.

There will be an era where you may not be excessively concerned about what you’d need to do about your cellphones anymore, because a lot of features would be added to make your smartphones “smart” for you.

So, what should we anticipate in the future of mobile phones? There are key areas you should expect the tremendous impact of the technology.

Screen: we are going to experience mouth-opening effect in the screen flexibility of smartphones. Brands like Samsung and Apple are on the verge of making this a reality. Already, there are curvy TV and phone screens, but making the screen collapsible is still an issue. You won’t be surprised seeing such phones in the market. Screen phones would still be displayed in rolls, flips and clam shells as the case may be. For example, China’s Royole has invested over $1 billion over the last 7 years developing and marketing flexible phone and tablet screens. This is an evidence of where we are heading to in the smartphone world.

Battery: Currently, the highest smartphone battery life appears to be between 5000mAh to 7500mAh. But, the future of smartphone is beyond what we have presently. We would likely have up to double of the maximum battery life by 2030. An interesting part is that, the battery size will be so miniaturized to suit every phone. This implies that your phone battery will be so small to suit your phone size. There won’t anything like big battery for large phone or small for small or otherwise. Furthermore, stronger and safer materials are being investigated to actualize these dream, such as building aluminum ion batteries.

Advanced components: there is propensity that graphene would be highly embraced in making smartphones. Reports are showing that the cost of production using this material is likely to be cheaper compared to the current cost of production. With that, everyone would benefit from the transition that would happen in the smartphone world in the nearest future.

Automation and authentication: with future developments, new methods of authenticating user’s access of smartphones will be fantastic. Companies have started making non-invasive iris pattern of user’s phone access. For the record, iris recognition tech is a biometric way of verifying your identity by using mathematical patterns from your eye balls (iris). Similar thing has been produced over time, but more technically and strict development is pooping out in the future. Also, in the area of fingerprint, several companies are developing highly intelligent sensors that picks and authenticate only an individual’s fingerprints.

Three-Dimensional Sensors: Have you heard of Google’s latest project – tango? With this project comes with phones that would be able to analyze the environment using their cameras. Although not available for usage now, this invention is going to be great according to experts. This phone is said to help people visually impaired to navigate their environments with ease.

That device called smartphone would no longer be referred to as smartphone as most thing you need to get by each day will be carried out on it. It is where we are going and you are part of the process.

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