Big Data Uses

by Kevin Roger
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Are you a prospective analysis, a business insider, or strategist? Does your field relate to data science, logistics, and information technology? And finally, if you are planning on becoming a tech guru, then, this piece of information is for you.

Feeling alienated because you don’t belong to the category identified? Aww… Don’t worry, you can also read this piece to know why big data will keep advancing in the global environment. It is no doubt that currently, data volumes are growing rapidly and the growth rate is daunting.

Surprisingly, there is hope because, big data is ever advancing to put up with the growth acceleration – if not even overtake it. Private institutions, Industries and organization are accessing more data than before.

The fact is; no matter the access you have to big data, your data accessibility will be of no values if you don’t know how to make your big data work for the purpose for which it is designated. Social media, sensor data and several other internet sources of data are emerging rapidly.

Their emergence are bringing with them high volume, high velocity, and variety of data that surpasses warehousing or storage approaches which have been known for outstrip traditional data. While many companies are busy harnessing those sourcing of data to creatively use them in achieving an unequalled value and advantage over competitors, private individuals are also doing far greater things.

An interesting fact in big data is not about storing or putting them in a single place, it is about maximizing it.


Big data is advancing in the technology and analytics world because of the following such as;

Data investigation and research

One of the use cases of big data is in its exploratory functionality. You cannot exhaust the exploratory function of big data.

You are able to extract big data for mining (such as data mining from twitter). You can further visualize your data and understand what they mean. Data visualization allows you to place your analysis in charts, and several other visual presentations that are pleasing to you.  So, if you are already thinking what I’m thinking, you need to know more about big data and learn how to make it work for you.

All round view of an event, customer etc.

This is similar to what has been said earlier about mining. Organizations use big data to design an all-encompassing database that gives an overall view of their customers such as the demographic information, address, past relationships, etc. They then analyze the results and present it to their customer service or support department on order to help function well (such as predicting customer behavior and tending to them for satisfaction) and drive revenues for their organization.

Crime prevention

Cybercrimes and other criminal activities have been curbed in the advent of big data. Organizations are using big data to prevent cyber-attackers. This is why you would see many companies creating IT department to deal with menaces as these. The IT unit generate high customer data which they protect from hackers and cyber-attackers.

Not only does big function to curb crime for organizations, it is also effective for law enforcement and security agencies. American for example are far less prone to cyber-attacks because big data solutions work for them to collate and analyze both internal and external information on-net and off-net. The information they analyze is what they use to detect, and counter-attack threats.

Cost Maximization

Big data has gained significant ground in the business world. Due to access to enormous log of data, big companies use big data. The benefits they derive is that Big data permits organizations to envisage points where transactions break even or where prices of goods and services yields best considering the market conditions they have operated in. With big data they can build models that integrate their customer data and use it to predict how much customers would be prepared to pay given certain conditions.

Search engine suggestiveness

  Do you ever ask yourself why related information you are looking for pop out when you are browsing? Yes, when you are watching YouTube videos, you’d discover that similar videos would pop out while you watch a particular one. That is big data at work. It functions using your previous data on the internet and suggest similar cases for you. The same is product marketing that e-commerce do. Based on previous search, views and clicks, big data suggests similar goods related or that have affinity with those you’ve searched for in the past.

Big data usefulness cannot be exhausted. Its functionality is ever progressing as more discoveries are made on timely bases. These discoveries places everyone on their toes to let us know that no matter the size of data available to us daily, big data is advancing to keep up.

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