Many of us don’t believe totally in the pros and cons of artificial intelligence technology. While most people are obsessed with several benefit dimensions, innovations and simplification of things by the technology of artificial intelligence, many scientists and writers try as much as possible to maintain to be on their toes trying to keep a check on the problems that may come from it.

Crime prevention

In 1995, CompStat (Computer Statistics) was developed and was used by the NYPD. This tool was effective in predicting policy. After much efficacy is the state, it was spread to several other police stations across the United States years after. Basically, this artificial intelligence software used a kind of procedural approaching of functioning using system management and philosophical logic, but it depends on other software tools to full efficiency.

Record shows that since that period when CompStat the first crime detective artificial intelligence tool was created, several other technologies have been created to close up gaps in deficiency of subsequent tools developed. Today Avata Artificial intelligence works as crime detection software in various areas like in crypto currency, military, health and many others. Avata AI can extract data from simple passenger tickets we obtain, and loading of goods to ships and in series of ways that most of us are not aware of. With Avata, we can predict future warfare, nullify terrorists attack and safeguard the society.

Privacy policy Adherence

About 4 years ago, National Academics study concluded that no technology to keep our massive collections and analysis of data. Even though we have policies to be in place to ensure that our privacy is maintained, we still are not sure of the tenacity these policies. Although some networks respect and protect the privacy of users, but finding still shows that, some targeted population could still be vulnerable and their privacy violated with the use of algorithm. This is where we would come to agreement that “nothing is absolutely secure in the world of data”. Different software is flowing in air on a daily basis.

Our prestigious Apple Company has maintained methods to adhere to its users’ privacy over the years, but has this been true? Well, that’s a question we should ask ourselves. People’s data, either private or public, are being used to develop more comprehensive user experience.

Another thing with privacy adherence policy is the issue of easy data mining with algorithm. Machine learning usage in data mining is truly a trespassing compatibility on human privacy laws. When data are mined and processed to machine learning algorithm, we can envisage what that would breed.    Nevertheless, technology gurus are earnestly innovating and deploying ideas to solve the issues clustering around insecure data.

Firewall against invaders

It is widely recognized that there can be errors in developing software. These loopholes are entrances for attackers. Even when are errors, there is often a need to scan for errors and fix vulnerabilities in security systems to prevent attackers and hackers, several projects have been deployed in this regard. An example is project “Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)” funded by the US military. Another is the Automatic Exploit Generation that can find and tell if a bug within a code can be removed. Fortunately, if these high intelligent software packages explore and find a bug, they automatically create control flow firewall that secures vulnerable areas.  Furthermore, PatternEx has created AI2 that is capable of predicting cyber attackers in far better ways as existing AI would do.

We cannot seem to get enough of artificial intelligence in the security systems. Who knows? Maybe another world war would have happened if not for cyber rebooting and software engagement and advancement, keeping experts and security operatives busy in different countries.

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