Remember what is virtual reality is. It is a computer generated application environment that has a rich interactivity of users allowing them to explore and interact freely within an artificially built environment. We should also note that no matter how useful and beneficial Virtual Reality technology is, it is fundamental that we learn of the opposing sides of virtual reality devices in our society.

This new technology is becoming more integrated into our world and serving various disciplines and fields. From the military, health, architecture, etc., virtual reality has been developed to serve us fantastically greatly. Hence, no matter good virtual reality is doing for us today, we cannot neglect the fact that what technology does generally on the opposite side to us need constant attention.

In virtual reality system application, several problems are been identified that you need to be aware of as you engage in its usage.

Physiological impairment: this is what most of the virtual reality software and devices developer are not putting into consideration. Don’t forget that virtual reality makes one immersed and interact with the virtual environment. An implication of this is that, devices used are designed to fit the head. Aside this, the devices are capable of impairing your vision, hearing, motor, and sensation abilities.

It is expedient to emphasize that the human eyes is very sensitive to abnormalities from imagery, videos and so on, hence, visual aspect of virtual reality is not checked to make precautions for users. Auditory function can be impaired as well. Virtual reality localization helps to know differences in sound sources and where the sounds are coming from. You can hear loud noise and be able to respond to the locations where they are coming. With intensity differences, and phase differences between signals sent between ears, we can determine location and how to react with the virtual environment.

Even with the skin, sensation adapts with exposure to stimuli. And over time, the skin may be habituated to the stimuli that will reduce the skin sensation which is dangerous.

Social implication

Without any doubt, there is high negative tendency of virtual reality over our social lives. Based on the virtual environment that people are exposed to, over time, people may become unable to differentiate between their virtual and real world again. This is in the area of total perceptual experiences where user can relate with the artificial environment like he/she in relating in a real world.

Also, there tends to be an influence of violent video games on social interaction. So, relating this to violent virtual games as well, we can expect the worse. In virtual reality games, there is immersion and interactivity between users and the virtual environment. Over a period of time, there is likelihood that the virtual and reality world would become indistinguishable to users and hence begin to wander. Individuals would begin to turn away from their world that is real and adopt the artificial.

Cyber illness

Cyber sickness is a prominent illness in virtual reality. Ranging from headache, to motion sickness, lag, view of the virtual field, and vection, cyber sickness is very common. People would be really sick after several long hours of using the virtual reality devices. For example, when you are in the daytime and your virtual world say you are just in the morning, this is a serious as your brain processes is tasked into adapting between the real and virtual environment to enjoy full immersion and interactivity.

These are significant problems linked to virtual reality technology even though it is driving our industrial world in exploring risks and more.


Devices associated with Virtual reality are fantastic to land anyone into that virtual experience. Looking at the devices is irresistible. It is something everyone would want to try out when the opportunity arises.

You must have heard about virtual reality and what it is being used for.  What pops up in your mind when you come in contact with words like “virtual reality”? I’m sure the picture of someone wearing something around his face and projected on the face is what comes to mind. You’ll likely call those objects you see as helmets, video glasses or headgear.

Well, if you refer to the objects as helmets, you’re partly right. But, technically speaking, they are HMDs – Head-Mounted Displays. Often, HMDs are tech objects that people recognize and associate with virtual reality. To buttress further, HMDs are referred to as Virtual reality glasses and virtual reality headset or gloves. This is the equipment that military use, medical field and others.

Components of HMDs

How Head-mounted Displays function cannot be explained without knowing about the components that differentiates it from devices like your smartphones, and PDAs.


This is the pictorial aspect of the HMD. They are elements like dots making up pictures that is seen when using VR tech. Virtual reality uses fantastic pixels. A decade ago, appropriate pixel inches was noted to be less than 300 pixels per inch, stating that having more than 300 pixels per inch makes human unable to notice the differences in images any longer. Presently, technology has passed this limit as phone manufacturers now make double of the stated 300 pixels display per inch. For virtual reality, the good news is that the HMD is at least 4 inches away from the eyes. So your visual acuity and picture detail is clear.


This component is what you will see when introduced to VR. The display component is the visual center of VR. It is from here that HMD sends images to the brain, but the most popular technique is called liquid crystals. The display component is similar to smartphones, computer and TV components and is referred to as the LCD panel. This component makes the VR experience worth it.

Optics: the flat image of the screen that fits the visual field is referred to as the optics. This portion works in creating an immersive feeling of experiencing the virtual world – which is the aim when you use a VR HMD.


This is a used to describe the procession in terms of picture input and output. Latency in virtual reality determine your immersion experience i.e. your level of simulation in the presented virtual environment. The virtual reality tech requires low latency of less than 20ms to maximize your VR experience. Virtual reality makes use low latencies in order to deceive our brains into thinking that what we are seeing is real.

Rate of refreshing 

This is the rate at which images switches on the HMD. This is very interesting as a lot of pictures flashes through within seconds, creating that immersive feeling. Virtual reality uses this frame rate create a sense of immersion and thought of reality for HMD user.

Other hardware

The HMD is made from materials such as cardboard, plastic and some other elements that makes it fitting and comfortable for users.  Some of the features work in the areas such as eye tracking, audio hardware, head tracking, and retinal projection.

We cannot expect less of the future in the area of virtual reality. New Head-mounted devices are popping out to suit different purpose, placing people in virtual world where they try out life impossible actions and problem solving skills before replicating them in real life.

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